
Discover The Destiny Revival Movement Various Ministries

Providing Various Ministries and Departments

Ezekiel37 Destiny Recovery Ministries

Destiny Recovery Ministries Is the Charity Arm of Dremw founded on February 15, 2020. It focuses on reviving destinies and restoring hope and dignity of those affected by harmful substances, sex workers, orphans, and others less privileges around the globe. Ezekiel 37:1-14, Matthew 25:35-36, Galatians 6:10

Kingdom Culture Church

Kingdom's Culture Church Kingdom culture church is the Church arm of Dremw, founded December 13, 2022 for the purpose of training saints with the culture of heaven for the second coming Christ, effective Ministry, spiritual growth, edifying of the body of Christ and for saints to fill the earth with heaven's Culture or Glory. Ephesians 4:12-14, Matthew 6:10, Habakkuk 2:14

Destined Generation Singers

Destined Generation Singers Destined Generation Singers is the Music Arm of Dremw founded in 2018. It is established to raise and train music ministers to kingdom's standard and to minister songs through the power of the Holy Ghost for signs and wonders, deliverance/salvation, healings, breakthrough and revival in the lives of their audience. St. John 4:23-24, Acts 16:25-26, 2 Chronicles 20:21-23

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